HF Professional Solutions

Special conditions according to your needs!

Your collaborators need frequent hotel reservations in their work trips?

The HF Group offers your company special conditions according to your needs!

  • Annual contracts;
  • Rates adapted to your volume;
  • Optimization of the trip costs;
  • A sole interlocutor in the management of your account;
  • A range of hotels adapted to your budget.

How can you benefit?

Nothing easier... Click here and fill in our information request form!

Company contracts according to your needs!

If you want information on how to become our partner, fill in the following form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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Privacy and Terms
By continuing to browse on this website you accept the use of cookies on your browser and devices, except if you have disabled them, therefore it is important to read this Cookie Policy.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small software files that are stored on your computer or other device used to access the internet through the browser.
Learn more about cookies here: allaboutcookies.org.

What is the purpose of cookies?

We use cookies to improve our user's browsing experience, increasing the speed and efficiency of website response. They make it unnecessary to input the same information repeatedly and help determine the website's utility, interest and number of visits. Each cookie has a different task and an expiration date.
HF Hotels will not use, without previous consent, required data that is stored in cookies.

What cookies are used on the website?

This website uses first and third party cookies. The difference between these two types is that third party cookies are sent to the user's device from equipment or a domain that is not under the control or management of HF Hotels.

Cookies can be classified as follows:

Essential cookies - These are necessary to access specific areas of the website. They allow website browsing and the use of its applications, such as access to safe areas through login. These cookies do not collect user information that can be utilised for marketing purposes or to identify his visits to websites. Without these cookies, some services may not be provided.

Analytic cookies - These are responsible for analysing how the website is used, allowing it to point out articles or services that might be of your interest, monitoring its performance and learning more about the most popular pages. Analytic cookies are only used for statistical creation and analysis.

Functionality cookies - These allow user preferences to be remembered regarding website browsing. Consequently, it will not be necessary to reset and customise the website for each visit.

Advertising cookies - These are responsible for targeted advertising based on the interests and habits of each user, both on and off our website. They are used to enable targeted marketing and communication actions, while helping measure advertising effectiveness. In regards to their duration, there are:

Persistent cookies - They are stored on your browser and on the device used for access (for example: computer, mobile or tablet) and are used every time the user visits the website again. They are generally used to guide browsing, taking into account the user's interests, allowing HF Hotels to provide a more customised service.

Session cookies - These are generated at the time of login and are available until logout. The next time the user opens his internet browser, the cookies will no longer be there. The provided information will allow for managing sessions, identifying problems and improving the browsing experience.

HF Hotels use the following cookies:

Cookies Type Duration Provider Purpose
__cf_bm Essential 30 minutes Vimeo Allows distinguishing between humans and bots
cfid Essential 1 month www.hfhotels.com Allows the website to maintain the user session
cftoken Essential 1 month www.hfhotels.com Allows the website to maintain the user session
_cfuvid Essential Session Vimeo Used to manage incoming traffic and to enhance security
_ga_ECEDXKCC25 Analytics 1 month www.hfhotels.com Used by Google Analytics to maintain session state
_ga Analytics 1 month www.hfhotels.com Used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier
_fbp Advertising / Marketing 3 months www.hfhotels.com Used by Meta to present advertising content and third-party ads

Changes to Cookie Policy

The HF Hotels Group reserves the right to, at any time, readjust or change the present Cookie Policy. By continuing to use our website you agree with these changes.

The special offers for the event you are looking for are no longer available.
Please see current offerings.